Maintenance & Manuals

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  • How do I maintain the battery of an electric cargo bike?

    If you have a removable cargo bike battery, it is important to remove the battery from your cargo bike before storing the cargo bike for a longer period of time (more than 2 hours). This applies to all system types and brands.

  • Where can I find Babboe manuals?

    Read here where you can find all the recent Babboe manuals

  • Where can I find older Babboe manuals?

    This archive page is where you'll find older manuals.

  • How do I prevent sun cream stains on my cargo bike?

    The key is to slather yourself well in sun cream if you're planning on cycling in the sun. But did you know that sun cream can stain your cargo bike? Certain chemicals in sun cream can stain. The higher the sun cream factor, the more stubborn the stains can be.

  • Which keys for my cargo bike can I re-order?

    Of course it can occur that you lose a key or need an extra set. If it concerns the keys of the frame lock, you can order them from the manufacturer's website.

  • Instructions for fitting a new GWA display (for E models with rear wheel motor)

    Determine what applies to your cargo bike:   

    1. Is your current display in the centre of your handlebars >> watch instruction video 1  
    2. Is your display on the left side of your handlebars >> watch instruction video 2  
  • My GWA display won't turn on anymore. What should I do?

    If your display won't turn on, the first thing you should do is try a reset. This is something you can easily do yourself.

  • How do I keep my cargo bike brakes working well?

    Your cargo bike's brakes get a lot of use, so they need regular maintenance to stay safe. A lot of this maintenance you can do yourself. In the videos below, professional mechanics will show you what you need to do. 

  • How to change your Babboe's bike tire

    Different cargo bikes have different rims, which means they need different tire sizes. In the videos below, we explain how you can figure out which size you need, and how you can quickly change a tire yourself.

  • My display is showing an error – what can I do?

    Your cargo bike's display might show a range of error messages. In this article we'll guide you through how to figure out what the error message on your cargo bike display means. 

  • How should the cargo bike be maintained?

    You don't need to be a cargo bike mechanic to take good care of your cargo bike. You can easily do a lot of the maintenance yourself. Regular maintenance doesn't take much time and ensures that your cargo bike lasts much longer! We are happy to give you a hand with some tips on how you can carry out maintenance yourself. 

  • How do I adjust the cargo bike's handlebars and saddle?

    All our cargo bikes are adjustable, making it suitable for every body type. By adjusting it to your height, you will achieve optimal cycling comfort. In the videos below, mechanics show you how to adjust the saddle and handlebars.

  • My stand clatters: how do I fix this?

    The stand of the Babboe City and Mini can eventually rattle. With a new sturdy bicycle stand spring, this is easily remedied.